Prefect mix of a BMX and a cargo bike

It’s the most fun utility bike on the market.

A one-of-a-kind mix of agility and carrying capacity, all in a compact, lightweight package.

OG is the go-to version for riders between 5'7" and 6'3" who want a classic, pedal-powered bike above all.

It's perfect for carrying kids and/or cargo

The small wheels make the bike super agile and easy to handle.

They also help reduce its overall size.

Most importantly, they allow for a low frame, bringing down the center of gravity.

The small wheels make it possible to design a frame with very low racks, which lowers the center of gravity.

A low center of gravity makes the bike much more stable when carrying a child or groceries.

The fixed front rack keeps weight off the steering.

The steering stays light, even when the front rack is fully loaded.

Like all Petit Porteur models, the OG comes in several versions

OG with dérailleur

This is the go-to version if you often ride with a light load or on relatively flat routes.

It’s also the top choice for the more athletic riders.

From 1290€

OG E-Bike

With its motor delivering 80 Nm of torque, the e-bike version of the OG can tackle any challenge.

From 2490€

OG Nexus 8 Speeds

This version is best suited for carrying light loads and riding on relatively flat terrain due to the efficiency losses of the hub.

From 1290€

OG E-Bike Ready

A version you can electrify yourself or have electrified by a local shop near you.

From 1190€

OG Frame Set

Build your own Petit Porteur OG using the frame kit as your starting point.

From 690€